Thursday, April 28, 2016

Password Security - The Do's and Don'ts of passwords

Do’s and don’ts of passwords

With the increase of identity theft and electronic break-ins, password security has never been more important. Keep your passwords safe with the following do’s and don’ts of password security.
Is your password really secure?


Do use odd characters such as !,@,#,$,and &.
Do use both lowercase and capital letters as well as numbers.
Do change your passwords at least bi-annually (Use daylight savings time as a reminder).
Do make your password at least 10 characters long.

‘Privacy is not for the passive.’ – Jeffrey Rosen


Don’t use personal names of spouses, children, pets or friends.
Don’t use consecutive numbers or letters.
Don’t use reoccurring passwords like Rover1, Rover2, Rover3.
Don’t use personal info like social security numbers or your address.
Don’t use common phrases or sports teams.
Don’t give out your password to anyone.
Don’t write down your password.

Don’t ever give your password to someone over the phone.