Tuesday, March 20, 2012

February 21st Tech Tuesday on E-mail and E-mail Archive

Below is the recording of the E-mail Archive class held on Tuesday February 21st.

You can watch it here in it's entirety until it is moved internally.

Here is the link to the Training and Development site on inside. You can only reach these links if you are at work, or are behind the VPN. You will find Videos and files to help you with Microsoft Office as well as E1 and Datawarehouse.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Tech Tuesdays Computer Security

The 'Handouts' referenced in this video are in this posting below. The first page of the handouts were the links below, and the second page are the tips on staying safe on the Internet.

Free Security Software

Microsoft Security Essentials

AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 2012


Avira Free Antivirus

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free Edition

Spybot Search and Destroy


Windows Defender

Windows Firewall (More than you want to know)

Safe Software Sites – for utilities for your computer


Online Virus Scannershttp://housecall.trendmicro.com/


Being safe on the Internet

1. Do not give out personal information on the Internet such as Full name, address, where you work etc.
2. Never give out social security numbers or bank account numbers. EVER!
3. Do not open e-mail attachments from strangers.
4. Look out for ‘spoof’ e-mails. E-mails from Youtube, Ebay, USBank, PayPal, that don’t look legitimate. Don’t click on links from these e-mails. Type the URL in by hand.
5. Never meet someone in a private place you have only met online.
6. Make sure your computer is up-to-date
7. Make sure your anti-virus and other programs are installed and up-to-date
8. Change your passwords at a set time every year. For instance change them the time changes twice a year when you change your fire alarm batteries.
9. Watch what your kids are doing online.
10. Don’t just click ‘Next’. Read the page, and see what’s happening.
11. Read the agreements when installing software or signing up for a service.