Popular Mechanics magazine had an article based on a the book of the same name. I have not read the book yet but I have read the article. Something that I like to stress on this site is that doing technical things with a computer or with the software on it is not hard. Once you see how it is done, it really isn't that complicated.
I know with hackers, viruses, malicious web content and the like, keeping your computer and your identity secure can seem daunting; but it isn't.
Like most things in life, you do have some control over yourself and your possessions. It turns out, that after all the scary things people can do with your data, the person what gives out the most of your private information is you. In the article they stated that the business you interact with everyday use the information you freely give them and sell that information.
Online companies, FaceBook and many other entities use the information you post online and sell it. Other times they refine the information to better market things to you.
There are some solutions.
1. Be careful what personal information you share even with legitimate companies.
2. You can use anti-tracking software like Do not track me!
Remember the old adage, that once it is on the Internet, it isn't ever coming back.